Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 5 Daily Tasks

Week 5:
1.   Exercise for the full 60 min
2.   Write in your journal
3.   Clean out/sanitize your garbage pail (indoor, not outdoor)
4.   Make a menu for a week
5.   Get your Visiting/Home teaching done (if you’ve already done this count it)
6.   Get 8 hours of sleep (getting up  with a baby doesn’t count)
7.   Sit by someone you don’t know at church and learn something new about them (if you have a calling where you can’t sit by someone new then just learn something new about the people you are with)


  1. Molly's points for week 4 = 387. Travis's points for week 4 = 393. Travis should get extra bonus points for scoring 100% on his Anatomy and Physiology Test! Hip Hip Hooray! Great job, honey!!!!!

  2. PS. I can't figure out how to become an official "contributor" to this dang thing! My "comments" will just have to do!
